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Trnava University is a modern university with a great heritage (the original Trnava University was the first university established in the former Hungarian empire (established 1635) in the oldest Slovak free royal town). Its location gives it a combination of many cultural advantages – it is in the centre of the old town with the biggest wall fortification in Europe, very close to the main cultural centres (Bratislava (Capital of Slovakia) 30 min or 50 km, Vienna (Austria) – 60 min / 90 km, Prague (Czech Republic) – 3.5 h / 300 km, Budapest (Hungary) 1.2 h / 150 km, Krakow (Poland) 3.5 h / 250 km), close to amazing natural areas, a great number of young students (3 universities in the town), very strong family atmosphere with an individual approach, safe and secure with a high standard of living and relatively cheap in comparison with other EU countries, plus a rich cultural heritage and good quality delicious cuisine. On the other side, the University has the latest technology, it employs innovative practices and is very well equipped, thus following the latest trends in research and education as evidenced by the newest study program: Cognitive Studies.

The MA programme Cognitive Studies offers 4 semester (2 years) of study of the main topics of CogSci (Perception theory, Game Theory, Cognitive linguistics, the Philosophy of the mind, Cognitive neuroscience, Methodology of sciences, Theory of information, Rationality and cognition, the Philosophy of evolution,…) in English with the possibility of spending some time in partner institutions. Students will gain general knowledge and an orientation in the subject which will allow them to specialise as creative researchers in cognitive science and apply modern scientific methods, concepts, as well as programming skills in empirical research fields such as: psychology, philosophy, neuroscience and linguistics; to work effectively as individuals, as members or head of a team, including multidisciplinary research and development teams. The study of our programme leads to an MA diploma (Cognitive Studies in Philosophy) and opens the possibility of studying a PhD. in cognitive science (or in related disciplines, e.g. Systematic Philosophy at the Faculty), or in related fields (e.g. psychology, neuroscience, linguistics) at other faculties in Slovakia and abroad; to teach at institutions of higher education in cognitive science related disciplines or to find job in various areas. Included in the study program are lectures from top international experts (in recent years: Paul Thagard – Waterloo University, Peter Gärdenfors – Lund University, David Perrett – St. Andrews University, Ronald de Sousa – Toronto University, Alan Hájek – Australian National University, Fiona Mcpherson – Glasgow University, Ernest Sosa – Rutgers University, Anthony Steinbock – Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Richard Gray – Cardiff University, Timothy Williamson – Oxford University, Semir Zeki – Kings College London…) and research at CogLab.

Tuition fee: 1.200 € / academic year

For more info see:

and enjoy hospitality and excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary research and education.


How to apply?

Apply before February 28-th, 2018 to study our degree program! Find out more about programs, admission requirements and available funding options at the link below.


Application form

The fee for admission procedure · 38 - € 35 · The print application, - € electronic Application

Account number IBAN SK35 8180 0000 0070 0024 1228

Variable symbol for Bc., Mgr. and PhD. · VS generated electronic application without the letter R, respectively. without a variable symbol, if the applicant sent the application by mail

Specific code 10002

Additional information (when paying via bank) · Name and first name

For foreign payments · IBAN SK35 8180 0000 0070 0024 1228 SWIFT SPSRSKBA 


Address: University of Trnava, Faculty of Arts, Hornopotočná 23

918 43 Trnava, ID 31825249


More information: prof. Mgr. et Mgr. Andrej Démuth, PhD. (andrej.demuth [at]