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Monumenta Vaticana Slovaciae

prof. PhDr. Marta Dobrotková, CSc.
doc. PhDr. Valdimír Rábik, PhD.
doc. Mgr. Miloš Marek, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Zuzana Lopatková, PhD.
Mgr. Erika Juríková, PhD

2012 – 2014

The basic scientific aim of researched project has mainly been based on the systematic research sources regarding territory of Slovakia in the Vatican secret archive. Its event composed of four worked books (two published and other yet not published) of  sources from 14th and first third of 15th century. These will significantly complete our knowledges about a state of church administration on our territory. But they also content a lot of evidences to the Slovak history, which from other sources can not be reached. Overall they consisted of more than 2630 original records. Most records come from unique list of papal tenths from 1332-1337, which is to be the main source for church topography on the our territory in the beginning of 14th century.  Very significant also are the records in registers of requests from 1342-1431 and registers of bulls from 1342-1352. These editions are considered to be unique and up to now yet not realised project in Slovak historiography with the importance in  Slovakia.