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Pozývame na webinár "Communication on Climate Change and Environmental Issues", ktorý sa uskutoční vo štvrtok 18.1 o 16:00 ako súčasť medzinárodného projektu ”Education for sustainable development: transferring V4 сountries’ experience for Ukraine's recovery” Visegrad Fund+ 22320172.


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We are pleased to invite you to join our online seminar, which will take place on January 18, 2024 at 17:00 EET/16:00 CET. This event promises an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and exchange views with our experts.


Seminar topic: Communication on Climate Change and Environmental Issues

Speaker: Lenka Diener, Martin Fero


Event plan:

Welcome and opening remarks from the organizers

Speaker presentations:

1. How to communicate about climate change - results of the international research CONCISE (Lenka Diener) 

2. Communication tools and strategies in education - results of the international research PERSIST (Martin Fero) 

3. Education for Sustainability Consciousness - presentation of partial results from the Save wetlands together research (Lenka Diener) 4. Q&A
4. Summary Q&A

Final remarks and wrap-up

We believe that this workshop will be useful for you and will help you develop your skills and knowledge. 

To join the seminar, please use the link

You can also join our Telegram community of project participants:

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you at our online seminar.