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Vyšla rozsiahla monografia prof. Milana Katuninca:
"Europe on the Move. An Exploration of Ideas, Ethics, and Politics in European History"
Vyše 700-stranová kniha, ktorá vychádza v spolupráci vydavateľstiev Peter Lang a Veda, opisuje a analyzuje mnohé zaujímavé udalosti politického vývoja Európy od staroveku až po súčasnosť. Predstavuje komparatívny prístup, ktorý kladie dôraz nielen na historické, hospodárske a sociálne súvislosti, ale aj na duchovné a intelektuálne dedičstvo našej európskej kultúry.
Knihu je možné zakúpiť tu:

„This book primarily addresses the younger generation, who is bound to take charge of the European future. It is an interdisciplinary study that elucidates the patterns of emergence and expanse (often even evanescence) of many traditional socio-political phenomena. The author has contributed a tremendous amount of work, offering not only a unique exploration of the European states’ evolution but, through such a comparative analysis, enabling us to foresee “new trends” in the international politics.“

Yevheniy I. Haydanka

“The main strengths of this book are its inter-disciplinarity, its analyses of political, social, religious experiments like Athenian democracy, the Roman Empire, the role of the Church in the social organisation and order of Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages, advances in the natural sciences, the Renaissance and humanism, democracy and totalitarianism, ending with the revival of the European idea, which resulted after a horrific European war in the creation of the European Union. The author also focuses on the writings of influential thinkers in order to assess the role of ethics and morality both at the individual level and in a social context. Each chapter seeks to achieve the book’s objectives, namely, to highlight the patterns, the events, and the contributions of influential thinkers that form the historical, cultural, political, and economic basis of modern Europe.”

Stanislav J. Kirschbaum

kniha prof. Katuninca