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Lucia Nováková, Vladimír Varsík (eds.)
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta
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anglický / English
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Recenzovaný zborník z konferencie Anodos – Studies of the Ancient World 16 obsahuje sedem príspevkov z medzinárodnej konferencie Communication through the Ages: people, objects, ideas (from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity), ktorá sa uskutočnila od 22. do 24. októbra 2021 v Trnave. Prvý, rozsiahlejší zborník príspevkov, zaslaných pred termínom konferencie, vyšiel pod názvom Anodos – Studies of the Ancient World 15. Nadväzuje naň tento druhý a menší diel, pozostávajúci z príspevkov, ktoré boli predložené neskôr.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings Anodos – Studies of the Ancient World 16 contain seven papers from the international conference Communication through the Ages: people, objects, ideas (from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity), that was held from the 22nd to the 24th of October 2021 in Trnava, Slovakia. The first, more extensive volume of contributions, submitted prior to the conference date, was published as Anodos – Studies of the Ancient World 15. It is followed by this second, smaller volume, consisting of contributions submitted at a later date.