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In September 2005, the department issued the first band of the journal Sambucus. Since 2005, already eleven bands have been issued and the twelfth is being in the press at the present moment. The journal has ever since been established as the only Slovak periodic primarily concerned with the classical antiquity, medieval and especially Neo-Latin studies.

Instructions for Authors

The length of a paper should not be less than 12 pages, but should not exceed 15 pages.

Font: Times New Roman

Font size: 12

Line spacing: 1,5

Title and subtitle: bold

Abstract: Please submit abstracts both in Slovak and in English including a translation of the title of the article, total length of 15 lines.

Keywords: 5

Latin text: Quote Latin in Italic without quotation marks in the text of a paper, in the footnotes use normal script with quotation marks.

Greek text: Please do not insert the Greek letters using the Symbol function of the text editor. Palatino Linotype is the preferred font.

Citations: Use abreviated form +nr. of the quoted page/pages in the footnotes. List all quoted texts in Bibliografy at the end of the paper in full form including ISBN or ISSN.

Recommended Latin abbreviations: idem, ibidem, op. cit., cf., in