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PRO ARCHAEOLOGIA CLASSICA - Civic association for the promotion of education in the field of ancient heritage.

Partner Nr. 1: Department of Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Philosphy and Arts, Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia
Partner Nr. 2: Institute of Archaeology SAS, Nitra, Slovakia
Partner Nr. 3: The Municipality of Iža, Iža, Slovakia
Partner Nr. 4: Danube Region Museum, Komárno, Slovakia
Partner Nr. 5: Institute for the Classical Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
Partner Nr. 6: Department of Archaeology and Museology at Masaryk University, Brno, Czechia
Partner Nr. 7: Department of Ancient Archaeology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 27/05/2024–31/10/2024

SUMMER SCHOOL COURSES: 01/07/2024–13/07/2024 and 15/07/2024–27/07/2024

Programme of the Course 1 (updated on June 25th, 2024)

Programme of the Course 2 (updated on June 25th, 2024)

Handout for the workshop on Roman epigraphics, which will take place on 24 July 2024 in the Lapidarium of the Danube Region Museum in Komárno. Author: L. Nováková.

Project description: The aim of the project is education and training of young people from Central Europe in the field of research, conservation, protection and presentation of historical heritage on the example of the UNESCO protected monument. The activities will involve specialists from the participating institutions as well as the public, especially local communities.

Contact: miroslava.danova [at] truni.sktabindex="-1"

Summary of the Summer school (in Slovak):…

The activity is supported by the Visegrad Fund (grant no.22410325)



Feedback in the media:

Portál VEDA NA DOSAH - Študenti archeológie odkrývali dedičstvo antiky (11. august 2024)

Trnavská univerzita REPORTÁŽ - Iža: Archeológia je nikdy nekončiace puzzle (8. august 2024) - Ez a nyár sem múlhat el az izsai nyári régészeti iskola nélkül (12. august 2024)

KONFER.TV - Reportáž z výskumu (5. august 2024) (meno: konfernet heslo: konferLeto24 )