Studia historica Tyrnaviensia.
History in motion - movement in history.
For the past 21 years, starting in 2002, the Department of History in the Arts Faculty of Trnava University has published an annual edition of a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Since 2021, it has expanded its remit to include contributions from related disciplines, in particular classical archaeology and art history and theory. It is now published biannually.
It is primarily focused on the theme of movement in history in the broadest sense of the word, from population movement, migration, through migration waves, to movement in the metaphorical sense of the word - the transfer of ideas, artistic views, and concepts. In addition, the journal provides an overview of human activity in various historical periods, especially in the Central European territory. From various scientific perspectives, it clarifies and describes the causes, origin, extinction events, consequences, or course of various historical event, some more significant than others. The journal embodies free, critical thinking and presents the results of independent research. Leading Slovak and foreign authors have published and continue to publish in it. Renowned Slovak and foreign experts are members of the Editorial Board of the magazine. In addition to scientific studies, it publishes academic materials, discussion papers, or reviews of new literature and conference proceedings. Studia historica Tyrnaviensia is available in the study room of the Arts Faculty of the Trnava University in Trnava, in the library of the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts of the Trnava University in Trnava, or for sale in the e-shop at
PUBLISHER: Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Trnava University
ARCHIVE - here you can find older issues
prof. PhDr. Zuzana Lopatková, PhD.
zuzana.lopatkova [at]
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8890-4562
prof. PhDr. Vladimír Rábik, PhD.
vladimir.rabik [at]
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9222-5228
doc. Mgr. Michal Franko, PhD.
michal.franko [at]
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5236-1412
Guidelines for authors
Submission of manuscripts - deadline: by 1. 5. 2025 and by 1. 9. 2025
Edition: the magazine is published twice a year, currently on June 1, 2025 and December 1, 2025
Accepted type of paper: scientific study, sources of historical documents, professional article, annotations, reviews, materials, conference reports, chronicle
Manuscripts should be sent to the email address: sht [at]
Review procedure: anonymous, two independent reviewers. The submitted studies will be published only after the reviewers' recommendations are addressed and approved by the journal's editorial board.
Post edit:
Font: Times New Roman, font size of the basic text 12, font size of footnotes 10, simple line spacing 1.5, margins 2.5 cm on all sides, pages not numbered, notes and citations should be inserted in the footnote, not at the end of the article, text not formatted
The recommended range of studies is 20 to 25 standard A4 pages. Maximum range 40 standard pages.
Reviews: 5 - 10 standard pages
Annotations: 3 standard pages
Materials: 8 - 15 standard pages
1 standard page = 1,800 characters with spaces
Text format: Send contributions in electronic form in the Word text editor under the Windows operating system. File format: .doc, .docx
Structure of the scientific study:
Name in Slovak language; subtitle - if there is one; Author's name; Abstract (approx. 250 words) and keywords: 5-6 words in English; Own text - introduction, core, conclusion; List of archives and sources; Bibliography in alphabetical order; Summary in English; Necessary footnotes and indication of sources; At the very end, state the name of the author; workplace including address, e-mail contact
Publication languages: Slovak, Czech, one of the world languages
Citations and lists of bibliographic references:
We recommend using the standard STN 690 - documentation for citations and bibliographical references. It is necessary to follow a uniform method of citation in the text.
Reference style:
TUCHMAN Barbara. A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous Fourteenth Century. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978, 677 p. ISBN.
BÁRKÁNY, Eugen - DOJČ, Ľudovít. Jewish religious communities in Slovakia. Bratislava: Vesna, 1991, p. 224. ISBN.
Reference to a publication with more than 3 authors:
KÁZMEROVÁ, Ľubica et al. Transformations of enlightenment and selected school educational means in Slovakia (1918 - 1939). Bratislava: Historický ústav SAV, 2016, s. 56. ISBN.
Reference to the book:
LOPATKOVÁ, Zuzana (ed.). Issues of land management and administration in modern times. Krakow: Slovak Association in Poland, Faculty of Arts, Trnava University in Trnava, 2019, 416 p. ISBN.
Note: The name of the editor is given first if she/he has the primary responsibility for compiling the work. In the case of several compilers, we state the name of the first one on the title page. Persons with secondary responsibilities (e.g., scientific editors, editors, translators, etc.) are listed after the title of the work.
Reference to Study in the Omnibus edition or collective monograph:
ESPAGNE, Michael. Kulturtransfer im slavischen Sprachraum. In ULBRECHT Siegfried - ULBRECHTOVÁ, Helena (ed.). Die Ost-West-Problematik in den europäischen Kulturen und Literaturen. Ausgewählte Aspekte / Problematika Východ – Západ v evropských kulturách a literaturách. Dresden: Neisse Verl., 2009, p. 77 - 88. ISBN.
VOZAR, Jozef. Economic conditions in the period of transition from feudalism to capitalism. In KOHÚTOVÁ, Mária - VOZÁR, Jozef (ed.). Economic history of Slovakia 1526 - 1848. Bratislava: Veda, 2006, p. 104 - 105. ISBN.
Reference to a study published in the periodical:
CHALUPECKÝ, Ivan. Jesuits of Spiš Chapter house and recatholicization in Spiš. In Viera a život, 1999, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 226 - 231. ISBN.
Reference to an article published in a periodical:
JAKUBČIN, Pavol. Catholic newspapers controlled by the state: Catholic newspapers celebrate 170 years. In Katolícke noviny, 2019, vol. 134, no. 51 - 52, p. 36-37. ISSN.
Reference to the previously mentioned source:
TUCHMAN, A Distant Mirror, p. 220-251.
PARENIČKA, Biographical Lexicon of Slovakia, p. 25.
Reference to internet source:
KUCIANOVA, Anna. Personnel in electronic parallel Slovak national bibliography. In Bibliografický zborník 2000 -2001 [online]. Martin: Slovak National Library, 2005, p. 136 - 139, [cit. 8/1/2014]. Available on the Internet: <ík_2000_2001.pdf>
Reference to archival sources:
First, indicate the name of the archive, the name of the archive fund, the signature or the inventory number of the document, the cited page (if the pages are numbered). State Archive Bratislava (hereinafter ŠA BA), Modra branch, Modra District Notary Office (hereinafter ONÚ Modra), Administrative Files, Cardboard (hereinafter k.) 49, no. j. 200/1928.
Other general remarks:
If the cited source does not state the place of publication, year of publication, publishing house, we use abbreviations: b.m – bez miesta – without place, b.r –bez roku- without year, b. v- bez vydavetľstva-without publishing house
In the case of several places of publication and publishers, the name of the publisher is added to the relevant place of publication: Prague: Argo; Bratislava: Veda, 2015.
If more than one publishing place and only one publisher are listed, the publishing places are separated with a semicolon and a space: Bratislava; Martin: Osveta, 1956.
The abbreviation for marking pages is “s.”., (Not “str.”), the year of journals and scientific collections are given in Arabic numerals. If the documents in the editions are numbered, the number must be given in addition to the pages.
Statement of publication ethics
The statement on publishing ethics in the journal Studia Historica Tyrnaviensia (History in Motion - Movement in History) was inspired by the standards of Elsevier and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and is also based on the standards of publishing ethics of Trnava University in Trnava.
The journal Studia Historica Tyrnaviensia (History in Motion - Movement in History) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publishing ethics and uses all means to identify practices that abuse publishing. Unethical behaviour and plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated by the magazine. Authors submitting contributions to the journal declare that the content of their manuscripts is original. They also provide assurance that their contribution, or part of it, has not yet been published anywhere, nor is it currently being reviewed in another journal.
The author is obliged to familiarise themselves with the Code of Ethics of the journal and to follow the instructions based on the principles of the STN ISO 690 standard.
By sending their manuscript to the editors, the author guarantees compliance with the set standards and guidelines.
The author is responsible for the accuracy and precision of the data. This applies to professional affiliation (workplace address, contact to the author), personal data as well as possible sources of financial support.
The author submits the original, as yet unpublished text to the editors. They may not submit a work that has already been published elsewhere. If the author submits a paper published elsewhere, it must be significantly reworked or supplemented with new knowledge. In the case of a supplemented contribution, it must state information on the elaboration and scope of the additions in a note at the end of the text and state the exact citation of the work to which it follows.
The Editorial Board will monitor for evidence of academic misconduct and take appropriate steps as necessary.
When creating the text, the author is obliged to respect the author instructions set by the editors regarding the nature, focus and technical aspects of the paper.
Plagiarism and the use of unreliable sources are unacceptable. The author is responsible for ensuring that all information provided in the article is correct and accurate. The quality and scope of the paper must meet the standards and level of scientific work in the relevant category (scientific study, article, review, annotation, report, etc.).
The editor has the right to reject the manuscript if it does not meet the specified requirements, if the content does not correspond to the profile of the journal, or if the editor finds evidence of academic misconduct. The editor shall immediately inform the author of such a decision.
The author is responsible for the correct and accurate citation of references and sources. They are obliged to state their professional affiliation (workplace, address, e-mail contact) and source of funding.
All contributions submitted for assessment (scientific studies, book reviews, etc.) go through an anonymous review process. Individual manuscripts are assessed by experts in the relevant field. The editor is obliged to ensure the anonymity of both the author and the reviewers.
The Editorial Board will not recommend publishing a paper that has not successfully passed the review process. Only informative contributions (reviews, annotations, reports, etc.) can be published without a review procedure.
After review by the journal editor, the paper is submitted to two independent reviewers. The editor-in-chief selects reviewers on the recommendation of the editors or delegates this responsibility to one of the editors who is an expert in the field. In the case of two fundamentally different reviews, the editors will have another review prepared by a third reviewer. Reviewers should evaluate the paper objectively. There should be no personal criticism (bias) against the author. Reviewers must express their views clearly with explanatory arguments.
The author is obliged to participate in the process of reviewing the paper and is obliged to communicate and cooperate with the editorial board. They are also responsible for listing all co-authors who participated in the work and are responsible for ensuring that all individuals have agreed to be co-authors and have agreed on the final version submitted to the review process.
The review process is anonymous, but the author has the right to review the comments of reviewers who have reviewed their paper. However, they have no right to be informed of their identity.
The author is obliged to modify the text according to the reviews and send it to the editors within the set deadline, together with the accompanying letter, in which the changes made are described. If they do not agree with the reviewers' reservations, they must state their reason in the cover letter. The editorial board of the journal has the final decision on publishing or rejecting the paper.
Review opinions can be provided (in anonymous form) only to the authors and the editorial board as a basis for the final decision on publication.
The author is obliged to notify the editors of the journal of all serious errors and inaccuracies in the article as soon as possible and to remove or correct errors, identified not only in the review procedure, but also in the event of realising their own mistakes.
Contens SHT 1/2021:
Dejiny v pohybe – pohyb v dejinách
© Filozofická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave, 2021
© Katedra histórie Filozofickej fakulty Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave, 2021
ISSN 2729-8760
Úvod / Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Miloš Marek
Ahmad Heidari - Lucia Nováková:
Pottery, language and cultural basin: mapping the prehistoric settlement in Central Zagros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Miloš Marek:
„Hospites nostri, dilecti et fideles“ Spoločenská kategória hosťov v stredovekom Uhorsku / “Hospites nostri, dilecti et fideles”
Social category of guests in medieval Hungary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Ivan Mrva:
Hostia, migranti a kolonisti na Nitrianskom a Bratislavskom Záhorí. Pokus o stručný prehľad migračných vĺn / Guests, migrants and colonists in Nitra and Bratislava Záhorie. An attempt at a brief overview of migration waves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Zoltan Iusztin:
The City of Becskerek in the second half of the 16th century. . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Ivana Kvetánová:
Album Arcibratstva pásikárov v Chtelnici / The register book of the Archconfraternity of the Cord of St. Francis from Chtelnica.. . . . . 121
Radoslava Ristovská:
Farská knižnica v Dolnej Krupej – súčasný stav / Parish library in Dolná Krupá – current state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
ŽAŽOVÁ, Henrieta – MANÁK, Marián (eds.). Fons Tyrnaviensis VIII. (Marián Babirát). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
VAŘEKA, Marek – ZÁŘICKÝ, Aleš (eds.). Cisářovna Marie Terezie a střední Evropa (300 let od narození reformátorky). (Michal Franko). . . . 171
MÁJEKOVÁ, Jana Magdaléna. Prešporskí pekári a ich špeciality. (Alena Macková) . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
KUŠNIRÁKOVÁ, Ingrid. Za bránami sirotincov. Počiatky ústavnej starostlivosti o osirelé deti v Uhorsku (1750 – 1815). (Alena Macková). . . . 178
PECNÍK, Marcel – RAČKO, Peter. Menová reforma v Československu v roku 1919. Koruna na rázcestí dejín. (Michal Petríček). .182
ŽAŽOVÁ, Henrieta (ed.). Sapientia aedificavit sibi domum. Budovy Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave. (Ivana Červenková). . . . . . . . 189
HALÁSZOVÁ, Ingrid. Pred portrétom. Úvahy o obsahoch, významoch,
funkciách a reprezentačných stratégiách portrétu v ranom novoveku. (Miroslava Kuracinová Valová). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Hostia a cudzinci na Slovensku (v Uhorskom kráľovstve). Migrácia a jej determinanty v kontexte európskeho vývoja.
(správa zo sympózia, Radoslava Ristovská). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Kolo, kolo mlynské... K dejinám mlynov a mlynárskeho remesla na západnom Slovensku (správa z kolokvia, Radoslava Ristovská) . . . . . . 201
Contens SHT 2/2021:
Dejiny v pohybe – pohyb v dejinách
Richard Drška
Skalickí vyslanci na uhorských snemoch v 17. storočí. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Mária Kohútová
Popis hradu Branč v urbároch 17. storočia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Katarína Ihringová
Teozofia: duchovný základ vzdelania abstraktných umelcov. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Michal Franko
Inštrukcie modranskému vinohradníckemu úradu z roku 1806. . . . . . . . . . 69
Ergün Laflı – Maurizio Buora
A hellenistic weight with the name of an agoranomos in the Museum
of Kahramanmaraş (southeastern Turkey). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
HOMOLA, Július: Listy mocným na obranu slabých. O pravdu a slobodu
v rokoch 1968 – 2015. (Pavol Jakubčin). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
MARINČÁK, Šimon – NEMEC, Rastislav (eds.): Od čistoty k hygiene
– od hygieny ku zdraviu : metamorfózy starostlivosti o dušu a telo.
Monotematický súbor štúdií. (Andrea Rysová). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
DEMMEL, József: „Ľudožrút“ v Hornom Uhorsku. Príbeh Bélu Grünwalda.
(Alena Macková) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Slovenská archivistika, 2020, roč. 50, č. 1, 356 s. ISSN 0231-6722
(Ivana Červenková). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Slovenská archivistika, 2020, roč. 50, č. 2, 330 s. ISSN 0231-6722
(Ivana Červenková). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Udalosti a osobnosti regiónu okolia
Kapušian (15. máj 2021) (Zuzana Lopatková). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Pálffyovci v Smoleniciach (Alena Macková) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Odborná konferencia „700. výročie Matúša Čáka Trenčianskeho
(1321 – 2021)“ (správa z konferencie, Michal Franko). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Contens SHT 1/2022:
Adam Bielesz
Ozbrojené zložky nacistického Nemecka v kontexte ich perzekúcie
židovského obyvateľstva do vypuknutia SNP...................................5
Iva Paštrnáková Dejová
František Nekvasil – neznámy člen známej rodiny stavebníkov.............................23
Mária Letzová
Svadba Mikuláša Esterháziho a Kristíny Ňáriovej..........................72
Adinel C. Dincă
A Biographical Sketch of an Itinerant Notary Public: Valentinus Demetrii de Tirnauia (active 1425-1465).....................104
MAREK, Miloš. (ed.). In honorem et memoriam viri doctissimi. Zborník k nedožitým deväťdesiatinám prof. Vincenta Sedláka
(Michal Franko)....................................................................................134
HRUBOŇ, Anton et al. Fašizmus náš slovenský
(Adam Bielesz)....................................................................................141
FRANKO, Michal. Vznik a pôsobenie Slovenského vinohradníckeho družstva.
(Mária Letzová)....................................................................................147
FRANKO, Michal. Malokarpatské vinohradnícke poriadky.
(Alena Macková)..................................................................................150
HENISCH, Bridget Ann. Kuchár v stredoveku.
(Alena Macková)..................................................................................155
Slovenská archivistika, 2021, roč. 51, č. 1, 252 s.
(Ivana Červenková).............................................................................163
TURIK, Radoslav. Zoznam padlých vojakov rakúsko-uhorského pešieho pluku č. 67. Humenné : Klub vojenskej histórie Beskydy 2021, 240 s.
(Juraj Červenka)...................................................................................167
Contens SHT 2/2022
Martin Bošanský
Testament nitrianskeho biskupa Jána Gustíniho (1712 - 1777)...........5
Juraj Červenka
Účasť rodákov zo Slovenska v americkej občianskej vojne..............21
Lucia Burdová
Dopad fyloxéry a peronospóry na vinohradníctvo malokarpatských
miest v druhej polovici 19. storočia........................................................52
Marta Dobrotková
K dejinám zdravotníctva a zdravotníckeho vzdelávania
v Československu v rokoch 1918 – 1938...............................................70
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Daniela. Pod vládou ženy – Rytier bez kráľa,
I. časť (1437 – 1442) Pankrác zo Sv. Mikuláša a jeho doba.
(Alena Macková)......................................................................................93
BUCHAR, Stanislav. Tenkrát v Sarajevě aneb život končí
v terezínskych kasematech. (Radoslava Ristovská)...........................98
RYCHLÍK, Jan. Československo v období socialismu 1945-1989
(Adam Bielesz)........................................................................................104
Ivana Červenková: Determinanty vývoja hospodárskej
správy panstiev (správa z podujatia)...................................................108
Ivana Červenková: Úrady a úradníci – ich vývoj a premeny................110
Monika Tihányiová: Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia
Vestigia nostra..........................................................................................115
Mária Letzová: Exkurzia na zrúcaninu kostola a kláštora
svätej Kataríny Alexandrijskej v Dechticiach.....................................119
Contens SHT 1/2023
Lucia Nováková
Belov výklad o Nitrianskej stolici vo svetle archeologických výskumov......5
Barbora Adamíková
Vyobrazenia domorodých žien na funerálnych pamiatkach z rímskych provincií..................................................................................................................33
Monika Tihányiová
Využitie stredovekých regionálnych dejín vo výučbe dejepisu na príklade Gemera (metodická príručka nielen pre učiteľov dejepisu z okresov Revúca, Rožňava, Rimavská Sobota).................................................................59
Mária Letzová
Anna Ružena Listiusová. Sonda do osobnosti, života a činnosti manželky palatína Stanislava Turza.....................................................................................93
Adam Bielesz
Výcvik nemeckej armády v Ochrannej zóne a jeho vplyv na život
Pavol Zvara
Slovenský ústav sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Ríme – pamäťové miesto..............155
HLAVAČKOVÁ, Miriam. Pútnik. Sonda do života stredovekých pútnikov. Kráľ Mikuláš Ujlaki a jeho cesta do Ríma. (Alena Macková).....................168
ZAŤKOVÁ, Jana – ČAPLOVIČ, Miloslav. Pramene k vojenským dejinám Slovenska. Slováci v légiách a prvý československý zahraničný odboj 1914 – 1920. (Juraj Červenka)....................................................................................175
ŠTVERÁK, František. Schematismus k dějinám Komunistické strany Československa (1921-1992). (Martin Halmo).............178
PARÁK, Štefan. Švajčiarsko a prvá Slovenská republika (1939-1945). Politicko-hospodárske vzťahy dvoch malých štátov. (Rudolf Manik).....182
Správa z podujatia „11th European Remembrance Symposium and 6th Taking Stock of European Memory Policies“ (Martin Halmo)..................189
Vedecké kolokvium 100-ročnica univerzitného profesora Richarda Marsinu (1923-2021) (Michal Franko).............................................................191
Contens SHT 2/2023
Štefan Pacola
Rekonštrukcia cestnej siete v slovenskej časti Zemplínskej župy
do polovice 14. storočia..............................................................................6
Srđan M. Jovanović
The Cabot Patent Letters, Heathens, and Infidels: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis...............................................................................44
Attila Varga
The secret order of the Illuminati, politics and cultural nationalism in Transylvania in the second half of the 18th century........................................................................................................71
Juraj Červenka
Vojenský pilot Aladár Lipták a jeho služba v rakúsko-uhorskom letectve........................................................................................................88
Marta Dobrotková. Jubilant František Bielik.........................................................................119
Viliam Zemančík. Induere Christum. Náčrt dejín liturgických odevov latinského obradu – alba, ornát, pluviál, štóla.......................................................128
KUTHAN, Jiří. Pražští biskupové a arcibiskupové. Zakladatelé, stavebníci a objednavatelé uměleckých děl (973-1421). (Martina Bolom Kotari)…………..................................................................................148
Slovenská archivistika, 2023, roč. 53, č. 1. (Ivana Červenková)........152
BARTALOSOVÁ, Lenka – VRTEL, Ladislav. Sigilla. Ikonografia svätých v pečatiach / Iconography of saints in seals. Katalóg. (Alena Macková).....................................................................................155
Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia „CASTRUM BENE 17 Burg und (Un) Recht“. (Monika Tihányiová).............................................160
Výstava Sancti eritis, quia… (Bálint Bartalos)...................................165