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Our Projects

Visegrad Fund No. 22420188
Philosophy and Culture of Intimacy in Central Europe

Project APVV-20-0137
Philosophical anthropology in the context of contemporary crises of symbolic structures
In cooperation with the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and BISLA 

VEGA No. 1/0174/21
Revision of anthropology: the concept of the human in the 21st century
Project leader: Mgr. Jaroslava Vydrová, PhD.

VEGA No. 1/0020/21
The development of the concept of shame in ancient and contemporary moral philosophy with emphasis on its ethical functions
Project member: Mgr. Michal Zvarík, PhD.

VEGA, No. 1/0871/18
The Nature of the Human Self from the Perspective of Cognitive Science (at the Interface of Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology, Ethics)
Project leader: prof. Mgr. et Mgr. Peter Šajda, PhD.

VEGA No. 1/0496/18
Different Forms of Understanding Negative Freedom in Contemporary (Liberal) Political Philosophy
Deputy project leader: Michal Zvarík, PhD.

VEGA No. 1/0563/18
Philosophical Analysis of the Blurring of Boundaries in Modern Biodiscourse
Project member: Mgr. Milan Petkanič, PhD.

GA ČR No. 19-14180S (FHS Charles University in Prague)
Individualism in Czechoslovak Philosophy 1918-1948
Mgr. Mgr. Milan Petkanič, PhD.

Professional cooperation

Cooperation with the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology (CEESP):